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Concert: 9/2/18Day of Action: 9/1/18
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Nikolaikirchhof 3

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Day of Action

Bringing diverse communities together

Round Table Discussion

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Mendelssohn Hall
11:00 AM

A group of arts, government, academic, and civic leaders came together for a round table discussion on culture’s role in an increasingly diverse society. Yo-Yo joined Oliver Decker (Director of the University of Leipzig’s Kompetenzzentrums für Rechtsextremismus- und Demokratieforschung), Thabet Azzawi (oudist in the Banda Internationale Dresden), and Anna Kaleri (author and board member of Lauter Leise e.V. Kunst und Demokratie in Sachsen).

The discussion was led by Duy Tra and presented by the Gewandhaus in partnership with the Stiftung Friedliche Revolution’s “Sounds of Hope” project.


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Stadtteilpark Rabet
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Yo-Yo joined the Gewandhaus’s music education and outreach program, IMPULS, for an afternoon that spotlights the work of partner institutions throughout the east of Leipzig.


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